Senin, 10 Januari 2011

timun mas

In ancient times, there lived a husband and wife farmers. They lived in a village near the forest. They live happily. Unfortunately they have not only blessed with a child.
Every day they pray to the Almighty. They prayed for a child immediately given. One day a giant pass their homes. The giant heard the prayer of husband and wife. It then gives them a giant cucumber seeds.
"Plant these seeds. You'll get a girl, "said Giant. "Thank you, Giant," said the husband and wife. "But there are conditions. At the age of 17 years of the child should you leave me, "said Giant. Husband and wife were very long for a child. Therefore, without thinking they agree.
Husband and wife farmers then plant the seeds of cucumbers that. Every day they take care of the plants begin to grow it as good as possible. Months later grew a golden cucumbers.
Cucumber fruit is becoming increasingly large and heavy. When the fruit is ripe, they picked it. With their carefully cut the fruit. How shocked they were, in the fruit that they find a very beautiful baby girl. Husband and wife were very happy. They gave the baby name Timun Mas.
Year after year passed. Mas cucumber grown into a beautiful girl. His parents are very proud of him. But they became very afraid. Because the birthday of the Cucumber Mas-17, the giant came back. Menangih giant promises to take Timun Mas.
The farmer was trying to calm down. "Wait a minute. Cucumber Mas is playing. My wife will call, "he said. The farmer soon see his son. "Anakkku, take this," he said, handing her a cloth bag. "This will help you fight the Giant. Now run as fast as possible, "he said. So Cucumber Mas soon escape.
Husband and wife were saddened by the departure of Cucumbers Mas. But they are not willing to have his son become giant meal. Giants waited long enough. He became impatient. He knew, had lied to the husband and wife. Then he destroyed the farmer's cottage. Then he went after the Cucumber Mas to the forest.
Giant immediately ran after Timun Mas. Giants closer. Cucumber Mas soon took a handful of salt from the cloth bag. Then the salt was sown into the Giants. Suddenly a wide sea was lying. Giants forced to swim with difficulty.
Mas Cucumber raced again. But then the giant almost caught up with him. Mas cucumber again took the magical objects from his pocket. He took a handful of chili. Chili was thrown toward the giant. Instantly a tree with branches and sharp thorns giant trap. Giant screamed in pain. While Cucumber Mas ran for my life.
But the Giants really strong. He was again nearly captured Timun Mas. So Cucumber Mas took out third magical objects. He spread the seeds of cucumber magic. Instantly grow very large garden of cucumbers. Giant is very tired and hungry. He also ate cucumber-fresh cucumbers it with gusto. Because of too much eating, sleeping giant.
Mas cucumber again fled. He ran hard. But over time the energy runs out. More woe again because giant woke from his sleep. Giants once again nearly caught him. Mas cucumber very frightened. He also threw his weapon of last, a handful of shrimp paste. Again, a miracle occurred. A wide lake mud unfold. The giant fell into it. His hands almost reach Timun Mas. But it pulled into the mud of the lake bottom. Giant panic. He could not breathe, then submerged.
Cucumbers Mas relief. He has survived. Cucumber Diamond went back to his parents' house. Mom and Dad love to see Cucumbers Cucumbers Mas Mas survived. They greet him. "Thank You, God. You have saved my son, "they said happily.

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